Rabindra Sangeet Albums. Sung by the verified singers of this website. 160 talented singers & over 850 songs.
Rabindra Sangeet Collections. Sung by the verified singers of this website. Nearly 500 unique Tagore songs.
Detail information about Rabindra Sangeet. All the lyrics, notations, background history with detail musical compositions, English translation and many more.
Song of Rabindranath Tagore
Download or print the Bengali lyric (bani) of Tagore song eso eso he boishakh. This has been also a long demand by our viewers to provide lyric / bani of any Rabindra sangeet in pdf format. Because, it is understandable that when someone needs to print the lyric of the song, either he/she has to print the entire web page or copy paste the lyric into MS word or any text editor. The good news is that, now the viewers of this site will be able to download or print the Bengali lyric in one click. We are happy to provide all the lyrics in pdf format for your convenience.
With some browser the download button may not work. In that situation click view-print-save button to open the pdf and save into your device. You must have pdf viewer installed in your computer/device.
Get detail information about the song i.e. musical composition, background history, notation, translation and staff notation with downloadable options. Visit the following links.