Rabindra Sangeet Albums. Sung by the verified singers of this website. 160 talented singers & over 850 songs.
Rabindra Sangeet Collections. Sung by the verified singers of this website. Nearly 500 unique Tagore songs.
Detail information about Rabindra Sangeet. All the lyrics, notations, background history with detail musical compositions, English translation and many more.
The much awaited feature for publishing your own column, topic is being Rabindra Sangeet, is now made available to all the followers of the website. It has been a longstanding demand from research workers and freelancers asking us to provide some space for publishing their thoughts and sharing them through the website. Over nine hundred thousand visitors browse through its pages searching for a various parts of Rabindra Sangeet. We hope this section shall be popular and beneficial equally to the authors and readers of these research materials.
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Written by the researchers, freelancers and individuals
The following research workers, freelancers and individuals have shared their valuable thoughts and writings about Rabindra Sangeet with this website.
Musical programme organized by Geetabitan.com on the occasion of 25she Boishakh.