Rabindra Sangeet Albums. Sung by the verified singers of this website. 160 talented singers & over 850 songs.
Rabindra Sangeet Collections. Sung by the verified singers of this website. Nearly 500 unique Tagore songs.
Detail information about Rabindra Sangeet. All the lyrics, notations, background history with detail musical compositions, English translation and many more.
List of related Tagore songs
In Hindustani Music System as well as Carnatic Music System 'Raag' is a well known term. Several combinations of Musical Notes are formulated as basic forms; each form is called a Raag. These are the back bones of Classical Music. A song or a piece of music pertaining to Indian Music has to obey the postulates laid down by the exponents of Classical Music.
Rabindra Sangeet is no exception to this and most of these songs exhibit clear indications of Raag system and other forms. In this page all the songs of Rabindranath are broadly categorized as Hindustani Raag, Light Classical and Regional forms, Carnatic and Western.
The first Category is further subdivided as per ten major categories of Hindustani Classical system or 'Thaat'.
Songs under the second category are marked by their distinctive style of reproduction and subdivided in four headings, e.g. – Tappa, Baul, Kirtan and Others.
There are only a few songs compositions of which are influenced by Carnaic Music. The third category displays these songs.
Rabindranath Tagore was deeply influenced by Irish songs while his brief stays in Britain at his younger age. These songs were mostly used in his Operas and Dance-dramas (Geetinatya and Nrityanatya).
The raags and forms are categorized as Hindustani Raag, Light classical & Regional Forms, Carnatic and Western. Click any raag or other forms from the list below to get a list of Tagore songs those are composed according to the raag.
Songs composed by Rabindranath Tagore display a wide variety of Hindustani Raags. Through our intensive research we have noted and categorised them as per the Thaat they belong to. Listed below are the names of ten Thaats that may be referred to as the backbone of Hindustani Music System. Each of the Thaats has several Raags under it.
In order to find a Raag and the list of songs under it click on the Thaat below which the Raag belongs to.
List of classical & Regional Forms used in Rabindra Sangeet. Click any form below to view a list of songs composed of that particular form.
List of Carnatic style used in Rabindra Sangeet.
List of Western style used in Rabindra Sangeet.