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রবীন্দ্র সঙ্গীতের সব কিছু (since 2008)

alpo loiya thaki
English Translation

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English translation of song alpo loiya thaki

Song of Rabindranath Tagore

English translation of Tagore song alpo loiya thaki; please find it below.

We provide the meaning of Tagore songs in English on the basis of visitor's request. Translating a Tagore song is very difficult, hope you will agree. We provide this service according to our capability, feelings and knowledge which may differ with others. We do not wish to claim these as serious translations as the site has its focus on the better reproduction of the songs. Translations of regional feelings are never an easy proposition, that too in the form of a verse. Hence we chose to go for a form that is adaptable and equally lucid to the viewers across the globe. We give additional explanations for the typical Indian and Bengali words that may cause confusion. We even attach images where words are found insufficient. The language is deliberately kept as uncomplicated as possible. This service is absolutely free for all.

We are ready to accept such works from anyone who is willing to share with this site. The Editor holds the rights to accept or reject any write-up.

If you have translated this song in English and want to share your works with millions of visitors of this site, please send it to us. Your work will be reviewed by the Editor and other experts before it is published in the website. Click to send

   My possessions are meagre, that I seem to lose often.
     My heart would lament over the ebb of its fragment.
   To restrict the flow is my wish, as does the river bank,
 Only to receive recurrent poundings from the sprinting waves.
   If I offer, all that I lose and that I retain, to you
  They never erode, exist for ever, bestowed by your might.
Bodies like the sun and the moon you cradle, never lose a bit,
 Wouldn’t be my trivial treasures, at your feet, ever-exist. 

- Translated by Anjan Ganguly

I have very few possessions-
So when I lose even a jot, I lose all I have 
Deprived of that very little, I despair.
Like the river bank I try in vain to hold on to the flow 
Where do the waves dash after those repeated blow? 
What depart and what remain,
If only I surrender them all to you
They do not erode, but in your majestic glory lie alert. 
In you are countless moons and suns, not a fragment goes astray 
Will not my tiny treasure then also reside at your feet?

- Translated by Ratna De

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